Turkey Bluffs State Fish and Wildlife Area

2 miles south of Chester on Illinois Highway 3
Chester, Illinois


Turkey Bluffs State Fish and Wildlife Area is a 2,264 acre natural area that borders the Marys River and is located south of Chester. The site was purchased with a 75% matching grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with Pittman-Robertson federal aid. The site offers a picnic area and features scenic overlooks. Visitors can hike, observe wildlife and take advantage of 10 miles of horseback trails. Turkey Bluffs State Fish and Wildlife Area is open for fishing and hunting. Squirrel, wild turkey, and deer are the most common game species. Upland game species such as rabbit and quail also occur at the site primarily in the open areas. Dove hunting is provided in large sunflower fields on the area. Hunting for all species with statewide regulations is permissible at Turkey Bluffs.


Visiting Turkey Bluffs State Fish and Wildlife Area
Visiting Hours
Dawn to dusk daily
There is no charge to visit Turkey Bluffs State Fish and Wildlife Area.


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